The Sara Hightower Regional Library board enacted a policy at its May 22, 2008 board meeting to use a collection agency to help encourage patrons with overdue materials to return them to the library. The Library Board voted to pass the cost of this service on to each patron whose account will be handled by the collection agency.
This new policy was developed with fairness to all library patrons in mind. Materials not returned are not available for others to use or borrow. Also, if materials are not returned, in most cases, money from the library budget is used to replace them. This same money could much better be used to purchase new items for patron use instead of replacing non-returned items.
The Library Board hopes this practice will encourage all library borrowers to return items by the date due. Most library items may be renewed by bringing the item with the patron’s library card for presentation at the circulation desk. Also, book depositories for returning material when the library is closed are conveniently located for patron use.
Debt recovery is a great quest of any creditor.Collection Agency services really act quick.Reason being their own commission based work on the asked collection amount.But it is always fruitful as something is better than nothing.
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